Found 2 blog entries tagged as Home Renovations.

The Best (And Worst) Home Renovations For Your Money Main Image

Every year, RemodellingMagazine’s Cost vs. Value Report* reveals the average cost of common home renovations and compares them to the home’s final sale price (as estimated by qualified real estate agents). As a result, homeowners are better positioned to determine which renovations will deliver the biggest bang for their buck and which projects come up short on the cost-recouping scale.

According to the report, below are the top five best (and worst) home renovation projects for your money.

Best Return On Investment (ROI) 

Manufactured Stone Veneer = 95.6% ROI

An attractive alternative to conventional vinyl siding, stone veneer consists of finely cut pieces of stone, available in various colours, sizes and shapes. Durable and…

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House Painting Tips

Preparing the area:

Fill holes by using a filler or spackle. Make sure to dry completely, then sand.

Scrape off old paint or sand walls so the area is smooth.

Clean walls

Priming the walls: Priming isn’t absolutely necessary, but it will help the paint adhere properly, and hide any dark colours or stains.

Stir paint: Paint colour will separate. Make sure to stir thoroughly, especially if the paint has been sitting for an extended period of time.

Gather your painting tools: putty knife, filler, sandpaper, rags, paint can opener, paint tray, stir sticks, angled paint brush, roller, roller cover, roller extension pole, drop cloth, and painter’s tape.

Tape the appropriate areas so you won’t get paint on the parts…

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